Thursday, 26 June 2008
Will there ever be an end to exercise books?

Sunday, 8 June 2008
Does life move too fast in Web 2.0 world?

Friday, 30 May 2008
Mmmmmmm, social ice-cream
Thursday, 29 May 2008
Online identities
'Some of my blog's readers were my friends in real life, and even the ones who weren't acted like friends when they posted comments or sent me email. Some of them had blogs, too, and I read those and left my own comments. As nerdy and one-dimensional as my relationships with these people were, they were important to me. They made me feel like a part of some kind of community, and that made the giant city I lived in seem smaller and more manageable.'
She also points out that 'the big difference between these youthful indiscretions and my more recent ones is that you can Google my more recent ones. '
Possibly another argument for educating young people in how to navigate the online community spaces that have become so important to many.
Wednesday, 21 May 2008

And I might use it to write my 'reminders' lists, lol!:

Thursday, 15 May 2008
This week we’re considering the meme over on the MA New Literacies board. Memes are often so much part if Internet culture that you don’t even notice them. Do you forward that daft email or that scary Funwall post automatically? Do you risk the 5/10/20 years of bad luck forecasted if you neglect to send the meme onto the requisite amount of unsuspecting friends? Many blogs consist of replicated items that the blogger has found amusing on their daily stagger around the Internet (see the Geek Hierarchy!).
My current favourite has be to the Hitler series (sorry), particularly 'Hitler is a Meme':
I also love the meme parodies and mashups provided on a regular basis:
(Warning: contains language not really suitable for children!)
Was followed by:
And many more!
In fact, all of this meme-ing reminded me of South Park, who, when it comes to social commentary, often do it for me:
Whew! Think I need to come back to this one tomorrow.
If you want to track the popularity of your favourite meme, Google Trends provides an insight!
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
The Virtual Classroom: Continued!
The control is like a handheld mouse. To move directions you move the mouse. Simple. But not as simple as it looks! However, everything went swimmingly (haha) once I handed over the controls to the 11-12 year olds I was attempting to indoctrinate into the joys of writing to describe. "Years of computer games", I told myself. Or maybe they were just better at it than me.
Anyway, the response was pretty good, even from the initially blase ("Can't we walk IN it Miss?". Umm, no, not quite up to Holodeck standards yet, soz honey). Word spread around the school like wildfire and my second Year 7 group wanted to know when they were going by the next period. So we're going again tomorrow! Yay!